This is part of a series of posts called “Recruiting Strategies that Work”.


Sure, the hiring process seems pretty cut-and-dried from the outside.

You write a job description, set some goals, put up an ad, flip through resumes, and interview prospects. Then, with a little luck, you’ll find your right person and work happily ever after… right?

Technically, yes. That’s the basic outline. However, there’s a major element you might be forgetting in the process:


Let’s talk about what it means to you (and your target hires).


Courtesy and consideration are something of a lost art in the world of hiring. Many companies forget applicants are also customers, social media users, and have a circle of influence.

If you’re unprepared, unprofessional, or rude during the interview, be prepared for the candidate to post their thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, and who knows where else.

To position yourself for success, follow these simple guidelines.

Respect the candidate’s privacy

Don’t call your buddy who works at the candidate’s employer to do a “backdoor” or “guerrilla” reference check. You might cost the candidate their job, and without their permission, you can be held liable.

And frankly, it is just bad form. Many times, the “reference” hasn’t worked with the individual in 10 years or never worked closely with them at all. Often these back door reference checks are full of inaccurate hearsay.

Don’t forward their resume on to your friend who might be interested in their background without getting the candidate’s permission. You never know – that might be one of their biggest customers, and you’ve just put everyone in an awkward position.

Respect their time

Just as you expect candidates to be on time and prepared for interviews, you need to be punctual and ready to go too. Don’t let them sit and wait for weeks and weeks for feedback. If you’re interested, touch base once a week.

Similarly, if you know you won’t be hiring them, politely break the news to them ASAP.

Respect the fact that this is also their decision


Keep in mind: this is a big decision for both parties. So, if they have questions or concerns, be as patient and as helpful as possible. However, if they ask for longer than three days to make a decision on your offer, you may want to question their reasoning. Typically, a delay of more than 3 days means they are waiting on another offer.

To sum it all up…

When you’re ready to kick off the hiring process, remember to add in R.E.S.P.E.C.T. to your practice. It’ll streamline the process, and make sure you and your prospective employees get the experience you deserve.

Want to make hiring easy? Use my Hiring Hacks to streamline your systems!



You know what Zig says about motivation – right? Like bathing, he recommends it daily. If you need some daily hiring motivation, check out our Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for daily tips on how to find and hire great employees!